Automotive Paint at Tampa

Automotive Paint & The Important Things You Should Know

Your car’s paint needs a touch-up that can be delayed. After doing the math, you realized the best way to do it within budget is to embark on a DIY mission. Before getting your hands dirty and experimenting with automotive paint for the first time, you should take a few minutes to read the info Automotive Collision & Restoration Products prepared to ease your approach into this new, fun, and very challenging task. Believe us. You do want to know what the leading auto paint supply store in Tampa has to say in the matter.  

DIY-ing a Car Repaint? Learn About Automotive Paint & Other Important Supplies Before Getting Started

For automotive enthusiasts, taking on repair and restorations DIY projects is always the next step in line to customize their beloved motor vehicles. 

Planning the project is truly exciting and motivating. However, to fully embark on it, you should also include the preparation involved in dealing with the products and tools used in the automotive painting process. Mainly because they often require special conditions to be handled, disposed of, or stored.   

  • Paint: Automotive painting is not similar to other painting jobs. Therefore, before buying your materials, it’s crucial to understand basic technicalities such as the differences between urethane and acrylic, what is a single stage auto paint, do you need a solvent-based or water-based product, and so on. Only by genuinely understanding how each product works and what benefits and disadvantages they provide you set on the path to making your project a feasible reality.

  • High-volume, low-pressure spray gun: HVLP guns are the latest tools used to spray-paint a vehicle. The gun set includes a paint storage tank from where the fluid is gravity-fed to the gun when demanded. The tank is located at a high elevation point to better paint distribution. The gun pressure is ten psi. When buying spray guns, you want to stick to the HVLP model, as previous high-pressure models —like siphon guns— have been banned due to pollution issues. 

  • Stay Safe Following These Prep Tips

    • Automotive painting is a time-consuming job not to be done in a hurry. To obtain good results, ensure enough availability to warrant a perfect look and satisfying finish to the job.
    • Clean the car’s body thoroughly before starting.
    • Carry out the work at an enclosed but ventilated area. This way, you will avoid weather-induced imperfections and have enough air to circulate the gases and chemical components that would otherwise concentrate in the room without escape, hazarding your health. 
    • Always wear protective gear and equipment. A painter’s suit, face mask, and safety goggles.

    Contact Us

    Tired of helplessly looking for an auto paint supply store in Tampa? Struggle no more. Visit Automotive Collision & Restoration Products, the leading automotive paint supplier across the area. Buy high-quality products from renowned worldly brands at unbelievable fair prices. If you need assistance, don’t miss out on the chance of talking with the talented and attentive team, they will gladly serve and guide you, like no other business! 

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