auto body supply

Auto body supply: When to Use Body Filler Versus Glazing Putty

While everyone wishes for a piece of the latest drive around town, with unique body features, massage seats to have control from your phone, their thin metal planes are prone to all kinds of damages. It includes door dings, dents, scratches, depressions, small holes, and creases.

The good news is that vehicles can be restored. The repair procedures may involve utilizing an auto body supply like a body filler or spot putty, and in most cases, both! They have different applications. Read on to find out.

Why incorporate a body filler and spot putty in your auto body supply?

The body filler is a polyester resin-based filler ideal for repair and restoration projects. Typically, it is used for dents. However, since it should never be more than 1/4", you can only use it for dents that are less than 1/4". Remember, choosing the filler depends on the restoration type, your preference, and the project's scope. For quality assurance, always consider the best body filler for sale.

But whether you will apply spot putty or a body filler, ensure that the specified area is washed and dried. Additionally, fillers do not work on a smooth surface, requiring sanding and, in specific, in-depth sanding. While at it, the area shouldn't be rusty either.

A common issue is that using the body filler results in staining simply because the filler's chemicals try to blend with the initial paint makeup.

Not to worry, as you can prevent staining, in the following ways:

  • Opt for high-quality body fillers
  • For painting, always use a quality primer
  • Whenever the humidity levels are high, stop the filling work first
  • Utilize an adequate amount of hardener
  • Mix the filler thoroughly
  • Ensure no air trapping during the handling process

Sticking to the instructions on the packaging is highly advisable. Why?

If you add excess hardener to the little filler, the filler becomes stiff and may crack, and inadequate hardener delays the hardening and drying process. Besides, mixing the two requires a non-cardboard mixing board. For faster curing, do the filler projects on warmer days instead of humid conditions.


Glazing putty

It is a thick painting, identical to clay or dough, applicable for quick or insignificant repairs like minor scratches and pin size holes. Keep in mind; it cannot be used for dents. Unlike its counterpart, it cures faster on application. During the application, sand spot putty with a fine grade of sandpaper, resulting in a straightened surface, ready for your paint or primer. 

The fine grain talc ingredient in the putty is the reason it is the recommended finishing filler, thanks to its tight grain finish. So, getting yourself the best glazing putty for sale even promises better results. It should combine a polyester base with a hardener for faster curing, like the body filler. That means, with only fifteen to thirty minutes, you can sand the surface. However, that is affected by the quantity of hardener used and the air temperature.

A side not on auto body supply:

When you are only dealing with minimal pinholes, avoid stirring the hardener and filler during the mixing process. Instead, fold the hardener into the filler while ensuring you squeeze out the air pockets for a better outcome.

Most auto body shops use the body filler before the glazing putty for a smooth finish. The filler may have air pockets with the possibility of the sandpaper leaving scratch marks. While Bondo may be criticized for inefficiency, improper use is the enemy. It remains a great accessory for auto shops. If you can apply it properly, you will understand why. But like everything under the sun, it comes with a drawback from excessive thickness.

Your car is an important asset, and that said, only the best auto body supply like the best body filler and glazing putty is up to the task. For a reliable supplier in Tampa, you can trust Automotive Collision & Restoration Products for your paint and restoration needs.

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